Play VanalRSPS

The #1 rsps out there.. Unique content, great staff & way more! Check it out.

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About Us

VanalRSPS is a custom rsps that was built upon player suggestions and creativity. We have players contribute to the server updates by allowing them to work side by side with developers in creating new content. VanalRSPS is hosted on a reliable dedicated server with ddos protection and lots of memory to ensure unscathed uptime and uninterrupted game-play. Your mind will be blown by all of the custom items and their unique abilities that they have to offer. As of recent, all bosses in the game have new mechanics, we added a custom magic system, and have reworked EVERYTHING from the ground up. This update has been in the making for over a year. If you are interested in the progression of the server, participate by providing us with your suggestions as to what kind of server updates you'd like to see, report bugs, and chat with the team and players.


We are the #1 leader in content and put a lot of effort in design, and developing this to give you a unique experience on VanalRSPS!


Actually this should be priority 1, offering a safe and secure place for our players. Although we see a lot of servers don't care much.


Our staff is working around the clock to offer you the support you need. These guys got VanalRSPS to the place it is.


Ever been a part of an elite discord server? Well what are you waiting for join us and share your adventures with the VanalRSPS discord! Super active community and friendly staff team will help you along the way.

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1000 +

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150 +

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5 +

Years of existing


Clueless on what to do next? Our forums has all the answer you will ever need with updated guides weekly. Feel free to pop in and and create a goofy post, we are big on rewarding creativity

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